Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Well today I was detained by the army and police. The soldiers were not doing their duty as set by Israeli courts to escort the children through the Tel Rumeida settlement and I filmed this from the roof of our apartment. The soldiers called me down and said this was not allowed I was in big trouble etcetera etcetera. I asked why and I was told it was because I could see what their cameras could see! Complete rubbish and no rule saying this I'm sure, they were just making trouble. Anyway I wait around, and ask what exactly I am under, and I'm told I am being detained and if I try and run away i will be arrested.
Can I go to the loo? I promise when looking out the window I'll keep my eyes closed so I can't see what your military cameras can see. When I came down again I asked them to explain the rules
"Shut up this is controlled military zone yeah? We don't need to explain ourselves"
"So how am I supposed to know if you don't explain what I can and cannot do"
No reply. When delving further I got to the usual
"These are the orders"
"It always is isn't it."

Anyway the police turned up (45 minutes later) the soldiers and police argued, largely I suspect, over the fact that, of course, I hadn't done anything wrong. The police asked for my passport and for the camera, which was in the apartment. I said they could only see the tape and I wanted my passport back first. They accused me of wanting to run away, whenI pointed out that there was only one entrance to the block of flats I asked how they expected me to do this? By jumping off the roof? I felt quite confident at this stage as if they arrested me they wouldn't have anything to go on. Anyway I showed them the footage which is perfectly legal - I didn't film any military checkpoints.

I then asked if the police would now tell the soldiers after seeing this footage of them neglecting their duty to tell them to do it.
"No, its not your job to tell them what to do"
"Well why don't you tell them?"
"Its not your job to tell them"
"Yes so I want you to"
ad nauseam
Anyway then moved onto whether I can film from roof
"Will you tell the soldiers that? They don't seem to think so"
"Well they don't know the rules"
"Maybe you can refresh them on the rules of taking the kids up and the fact I'm allowed to film from the roof"
So I did, the soldier comes over, they argue, and then I'm told I'm not allowed to film from the roof
"Even in the direction of the city? There are some nice landscape views?"
This was allowed then it wasn't, and so on and so forth.
When I asked if I can have this in writing they said they could take me down the police station and get it in writing. Needless to say I declined this offer and decided that I wouldn't push the matter anymore!

Anyway, final outcome is we are allegedly not allowed to film from the roof, if we do I will get arrested. I felt tempted to go do it straight away but common sense prevailed.
It was only after that that I felt really rather angry, I thought it was a complete joke and its simply one soldier just trying to feel important. But anyway I'm now in Jerusalem for a night and have met up with some very interesting people from university for a well earned drink and interesting talk. Some more touristy things tomorrow hopefully! And then back to it all. Though possibly somewhere else, worringly the soldiers all know my name, some are being very very polite as well. I can't help but feel suspicious!


Anonymous said...

hey good job sticking up for yourself and not getting intimidated by those sons of bitches.

they are wrong, you ARE allowed to film from the roof, you are allowed to film anything you want as long as it is not a military installation (checkpoints, military video camera, soldier's posts) and you don't have to show them any footage unless they arrest you.

keep up the good work, don't let them scare you !


Anonymous said...

yah bigup to greg, for holding up AND for telling us about it, cos when you tell people who haven't been in the territories about how irrational israeli soldiers are, they just think you're being paranoid...

g said...

thanks for the comments! Going to stick with it and keep going.